December 07, 2008
Remembering Pearl Harbor Day Aboard the USS Phoenix On December 7, 1941, I was standing on the quarter deck of the USS Phoenix, a light cruiser. It was moored at Pearl Harbor, behind Battleship Row. Along with several other sailors, waiting for a motor launch to take us to the USS Arizona for a Protestant Church service. As we stood there, we noticed a huge number of planes coming in. Our first impression was that they were our own planes, on maneuvers. As they got closer, we could see the rising sun on the side of the planes, and knew it was the Japanese attacking us. When we realized this, we started running towards our battle stations. At that time, the call came over the loudspeaker on the ship, telling us "all hands man your battle stations, this is no drill." My battle station was alternate gunner and boater on a 50 caliber machine gun, along with a gunner's mate, who had trained me, and he did all the firing during the attack. We went through the attack without getting a scratch on our ship. As we were leaving the harbor after that attack, we passed right by the burning Arizona, and other battleships on our way out. Along with us were two other cruisers, our cruiser the USS Phoenix, the USS St. Louis, and the USS Detroit, along with about 5 destroyers. We went to the south, looking for the enemy, and they were actually up north. Perhaps we were lucky, because we wouldn't have been much of a match for the Japanese fleet. My ship, the USS Phoenix, went through, in addition to Pearl Harbor, 25 major engagements, ending with the battles that almost put the Japanese navy out of the business. -- Charles F. May, United States Navy, USS Phoenix
November 22, 2008
VI Day It's Victory in Iraq Day! Today, over 27 million Iraqis -- who heretofore have never known anything but oppression -- live in a free democratic republic. And the United States is a safer place for it. All this made possible by the courage and sacrifice of our soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen -- America's "secret weapon": I have to tell you that nothing, and I mean nothing, has made me prouder the past, almost-4 years than the young people who are serving our country in uniform. By any measure, they're just the best. You know, someone back in World War II asked General George Marshall what was the secret of America's success, what was our secret weapon in that war. And General Marshall said, "The best damn kids in the world." -- Ronald Reagan, September 19, 1984
November 19, 2008
![]() Mission Accomplished: Victory In Iraq The United States has won the war in Iraq. And since the treasonous, America-hating press won't say it, patriotic bloggers will. Zombie has declared November 22, 2008 as Victory in Iraq Day. Zombie opines: We won. The Iraq War is over. I declare November 22, 2008 to be "Victory in Iraq Day." (Hereafter known as "VI Day.") By every measure, The United States and coalition forces have conclusively defeated all enemies in Iraq, pacified the country, deposed the previous regime, successfully helped to establish a new functioning democratic government, and suppressed any lingering insurgencies. The war has come to an end. And we won. What more indication do you need? An announcement from the outgoing Bush administration? It's not gonna happen. An announcement from the incoming Obama administration? That's really not gonna happen. A declaration of victory by the media? Please. Don't make me laugh. A concession of surrender by what few remaining insurgents remain in hiding? Forget about it. The moment has come to acknowledge the obvious. To overtly declare a fact that has already been true for quite some time now. Let me repeat: WE WON THE WAR IN IRAQ And since there will never be a ticker-tape parade down Fifth Avenue in New York for our troops, it's up to us, the people, to arrange a virtual ticker-tape parade. An online victory celebration. Saturday, November 22, 2008 is the day of that celebration: Victory in Iraq Day. So this Saturday, wish your family and friends a happy VI Day. Better yet, go to and send a note to a deployed member of the U.S. military acknowledging their historic victory in the ongoing fight for freedom.
November 11, 2008
Veterans Day The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country. -- George Washington Never in the history of the world has any soldier sacrificed more for the freedom and liberty of total strangers than the American soldier. -- Sen. Zell Miller
September 11, 2008
9/11/01 It must be on every soldier’s mind. It’s certainly on mine ... You’re wearing the American flag on your sleeve. You’re thinking this happened in my nation, and we can never allow it to happen in the United States again ... There’s no place in the world for terrorists, not in Iraq, not in Afghanistan, not in New York City, not in Washington, D.C. -- Captain Jennifer Bowersox, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; as quoted in the the Desert Dispatch
Patriot Day, 2008 A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America September 11, 2001, was etched into America's memory when 19 terrorists attacked us with barbarity unequaled in our history. On Patriot Day, we cherish the memory of the thousands of innocent victims lost, extend our thoughts and prayers to their families, and honor the heroic men and women who risked and sacrificed their lives so others might survive. Since 9/11, we have recognized the threat posed by terrorists to the safety of the American people and worked to protect our homeland by fighting terrorists abroad. We are confronting terrorism by advancing freedom, liberty, and prosperity as an alternative to the ideologies of hatred and repression. Our Nation pays tribute to our courageous men and women in uniform serving around the world and the devoted members of our law enforcement, public safety, and intelligence communities at home who work night and day to protect us from harm and preserve the freedom of this great Nation. Seven years ago, ordinary citizens rose to the challenge, united in prayer, and responded with extraordinary acts of courage, with some giving their lives for the country they loved. On Patriot Day, we remember all those who were taken from us in an instant and seek their lasting memorial in a safer and more hopeful world. We must not allow our resolve to be weakened by the passage of time. We will meet the test that history has given us and continue to fight to rid the world of terrorism and promote liberty around the globe. By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day." NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2008, as Patriot Day. I call upon the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as well as appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff on Patriot Day. I also call upon the people of the United States to observe Patriot Day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and remembrance services, to display the flag at half-staff from their homes on that day, and to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. eastern daylight time to honor the innocent Americans and people from around the world who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third. GEORGE W. BUSH
July 10, 2008
Democrats Castrating Democrats Whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them ... -- Jesus Christ, from His Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:12 I wanna cut [Barack Obama's] nuts off. -- Rev. Jesse Jackson (Sorry to disappoint, Jesse, but Michelle Obama beat you to it.) As an ordained minister of the Christian faith, Rev. Jesse Jackson presumably adheres to Jesus' Golden Rule. Accordingly, we must conclude that Jackson wants someone to cut his testicles off, too. (Come to think of it, that may not be a bad thing. It certainly would preempt any future new child support payments. The Lord works in mysterious ways!) Jackson's comment wasn't really about nuts. It was about grapes -- sour grapes. Race hustling grifters like Jackson are not happy that a black man has not only won the Democratic nomination for president but has a very real chance of winning in November. Why? Because when he's not committing adultery, siring children out of wedlock, pretending to be a Christian minister, referring to Jews as "hymies", blackmailing corporate America and threatening to castrate someone, Jesse Jackson and his spawn make millions promoting the false notion that Americans who are black are permanent victims of white racism and doomed to a life of want, misery and oppression. In other words, the election of a president who is black would destroy Jackson's multi-million dollar race scam.
July 04, 2008
Independence Day This Fourth of July, as in years past, Americans celebrate the Declaration of Independence and our Nation's 211th birthday with parades down Main Street, ceremonies at town halls, worship at churches and synagogues, and patriotic moments at picnics and fireworks shows and baseball games. Americans overseas pause in thoughts of home and what our country means to them. All of us remember with wonder and gratitude that we celebrate a profound conception of freedom, one our countrymen have asserted and defended over and over. That conception of freedom is expressed with eloquence and wisdom in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution whose bicentennial we observe this year. The Declaration affirms our belief that government exists to secure our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution provides for a system of limited government which secures these blessings of liberty, ensuring that We the People remain truly in charge. On this Independence Day, let us recall our Founders' pledge to make any sacrifice as they fought for liberty and freedom. Let us remember that millions of Americans have struggled to pass on to us the precious gift of Independence -- that it is from them that the light of this great national anniversary is truly drawn, and that it is in their name today that we pledge ourselves anew to keep that light burning proud and strong. To all my fellow Americans, Happy Fourth of July! -- President Ronald Reagan, 1987
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