Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet; We're Hunting ScandalIn light of his already infamous hunting accident, there's one conclusion we can draw about Dick Cheney: that Vice President
Aaron Burr was a better shot.
That profundity aside, I jokingly predicted to a friend yesterday that desperate leftists would try to turn Cheney's
accidental shooting of his friend Harry Whittington into a Bush scandal.
Turns out it was no joke.
About an hour ago, White House press secretary Scott McClellan (who really sucks at his job, by the way) was confronted by a drooling press Corps hollering
What did the president know and when did he know it?-type questions about the Cheney hunting accident. Reporters were demanding to know when the president was informed of the accident. The correct response would have been, "Since it doesn't matter when the president found out, I never thought to ask. But I'll check into it and get back to you." But instead McClellan characteristically blushed, assumed a defensive tone and rambled.
This served to heighten the press corps' feeding frenzy over a non-issue, i.e. when Bush found out about the hunting accident.
But the accident itself is a legitimate issue.
I'm a big fan of Dick Cheney. Until yesterday, I would've called him a straight shooter.
(Insert laugh-track here). Instead, let's call him a straight talker. He's honest, of good character and has a breadth of experience few people in politics and government can match; Cheney's performance on September 11, 2001 is proof of that. But if I were in the same situation as Cheney is now, I would offer my resignation to the president and let him decide whether to accept it.