The Vatican Sides With Saddam
"The Vatican said on Tuesday countries that decide to wage war on Iraq without a global consensus must take responsibility before God and history--making clear the Pope would not endorse their actions,"
Reuters reports. "'Those who decide that all peaceful means that international law makes available are exhausted assume a grave responsibility before God, their conscience and history,' said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls."
I'm no theologian but I don't recall a passage in the Bible or any other Christian doctrine which holds that nations conducting military campaigns without the UN's approval risk God's damnation. What God must think of the Vatican hurling harsh spiritual threats at America for leading efforts to stop a maniac who not only funds terrorism but, for starters, puts
political dissidents feet-first into giant shredders while forcing family and friends to watch is something Navarro-Valls should pause to consider. I doubt he will; after all, this isn't the first time the Vatican has given a murderous mustached dictator a pass.
I would never profess to know the mind of God. But I'm confident that the spiritual leaders of a church which defended genocidal maniacs and ignored, covered-up and enabled the ongoing criminal acts of pedophilic priests will have much more to answer to God for than the liberators of Iraq.