Good News For Hans Blix
Bush spokeman Ari Fleischer
announced today that the United States has abandoned diplomatic efforts to disarm Saddam. Citing the UN's failure to "enforce its own demands," Fleischer declared, "The diplomatic window is now closed." This development startled UN personnel in
Baghdad into getting the hell out of Dodge before the camel poop hits the fan.
This is good news for Euroweenie Hans Blix. Now he can get back to the matter which he declared to
MTV News[chuckle] threatens the world more than Saddam's weapons of mass destruction: global warming. Seriously.
Perhaps in the coming days, as America and its allies save the Iraqi people and eliminate a principal patron of terrorism, Blix will look to megamoron
Sheila Sonnenschein for inspiration and plant a Stop Global Warming Garden. If Blix does that as competently as he managed Iraqi arms inspections, then he'll probably plant lots of
coniferous trees.