Benedict Arnold Award
A Benny goes to Congressman Maurice Hinchey of New York for accusing the president and the U.S. military of massacring Iraqis. The
New York Post reports that Hinchey "told constituents that America is 'engaging in what will come to be seen as a massacre in Iraq,' under 'the Bush Doctrine of pre-emption, which allows the United States to attack any other country any time . . . for whatever reason the president feels is justified.'"
Hinchey's not only a modern-day Benedict Arnold he's also a hypocrite. While he was busy accusing our troops of massacre, Hinchey's "official Web site now contains a lengthy statement hailing the military and saluting 'these brave Americans' to whom 'we owe our deepest gratitude and support,'" the Post notes. Sheesh! What an asshole.
Hinchey is, of course, a Democrat.