Batty Patty Digs A Deeper Hole: Deeply disturbed Senator Patty Murray has responded to criticism of the blame-America-rather-than-Osama comments she made to a group of Washington high school students by . . . standing by her comments!
Judging from the pissy
statement released by her office, Batty only regrets that she was quoted by the press. She opens her response by declaring that she thinks Osama's a bad guy; that she has to clarify that fact speaks volumes. And, in typical arrogant incumbent officeholder fashion, she blames the brouhaha on those in disagreement with her, accusing them of seeking "to sensationalize and distort in an attempt to divide." (You read that correctly. A prominent member of the Democratic Party -- the same party which for the last 35 years has managed to exist only by dividing people into tribes and then fostering tension between them -- is criticizing others for being divisive.)
Murray goes on to defend her anti-U.S. remarks by asking in support-group facilitator tones, "How else can we bring America's values to those who do not understand us?" The cluelessness which exudes between every word of that question has to make one wonder if Patty Murray is aware of the events of September 11, 2001. Or if she's ever heard of the USS
Cole or the 1993 WTC bombing or the US embassy bombings in Africa. Patty would do well to remove her lips from Osama's ass long enough to contemplate this question: How is it possible to "bring values" (whatever the hell that means) to people who are killing us?
While Murray struggles for an answer to that question, she should
read the account of 22-year-old Marine Sgt. James C. Lowery. Sgt. Lowery, who recently returned from Afghanistan, and his father were waiting in a fast-food drive-thru in Alabama last week when a criminal armed with a gun attempted to rob them. The thief shot Sgt. Lowery in the face. Lowery then decided to "bring values" to the criminal in the form of several .45 caliber bullets. Sgt. Lowery, thankfully, will recover. The murderous thief, thankfully, will not.
That, Senator Murray, is how one deals with a homidical enemy. So save your social worker blather for the local soup kitchen and leave the defense of America to those who proudly believe it's worth defending. Better yet, just resign.
And for godssakes, do something with your hair.